Enseñanza gramatical, reflexión metalingüística y transferencia interlingüística en los libros de texto de inglés de Educación Primaria
Grammar teaching, metalinguistic awareness and crosslinguistic transfer in English textbooks for Primary Education
textbooks, foreign language teaching, grammar, metalinguistic reflection, crosslinguistic transferAbstract
This article focuses on the teaching of English as the first foreign language in Primary Education in the Valencian Community. Grammar teaching in this language has been based mainly on the use of textbooks, which must meet curricular demands such as reflective language teaching and plurilingual education, both present in recent educational laws in Spain. Thus, this study examines whether these demands are met in 36 Primary school English textbooks from the period 2004-2014 by analyzing the didactic treatment that grammatical contents and interlinguistic transfer receive. To this end, Bloom's Taxonomy revised by Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) was followed, and the presence of different languages and the way in which they appear interrelated was examined. The results indicate that textbooks promote lower-order cognitive activities (remembering, understanding and applying) in grammar instruction. Therefore, the presence of metalinguistic awareness and cross-language transfer activities is minimal, and these are only included in the textbooks for the third cycle. The lack of gradual scaffolding from simple to more complex cognitive operations in the different cycles, which supports students in consolidating their grammatical knowledge and developing their metalinguistic competence in different languages has also been observed, as well as a superficial treatment of cross-linguistic transfer.
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