Estrategias para la incorporación de la inteligencia artificial en educación a partir de ChatGPT: Oportunidades y dilemas para profesorado, alumnado e investigación-publicación

Strategies for incorporating artificial intelligence based on ChatGPT in education: Opportunities and dilemmas for teachers, students and research-publication




artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, digital literacy, teacher training


Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and processes have been part of the educational sphere for decades, although practical knowledge is expanding at the end of 2022 with the dissemination of one of the concretions of this digital technology: ChatGPT. We consider how we can manage this reality in education and propose an itinerary to facilitate and encourage the ethical and responsible use of AI in three realities that converge in the final master's degree project (TFM) in teacher training. Students must discern how to incorporate AI strategies in their learning; soon, in their student's learning; and during academic research and writing. To provide answers to these questions, we locate AI within the framework of digital competence acquisition, analyse different decision/use models of generative AI technologies, propose a Bloom's taxonomy of generative AI, and indicate how to ask ChatGPT in natural language to obtain the most accurate results. Finally, we indicate strategies for concrete uses through an accompanying itinerary to facilitate the incorporation of AI in educational practice.


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