Adecuaciones curriculares de Lengua Española para estudiantes con autismo: propuesta de la unidad de aprendizaje "Presentaciones personales"
Curricular adaptations in Spanish Language for students with autism: Proposal for the learning unit 'Personal Introductions'
personal presentations, curricular adaptations, autism, Spanish teachingAbstract
This work presents an interdisciplinary approach between inclusive didactics and the Spanish Language, to propose specific curricular adjustments for teaching the language in secondary school to students with autism. Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) present problems in language and communication, in social interactions and restricted interests from their diagnostic condition. Therefore, the teaching of languages is compromised and requires an adaptation of both the curricular budgets and the didactic practices. The objective of this article is to propose some adjustments oriented to the learning style of students with autism to teach a Learning Unit complex, such as personal presentation. The inclusive teaching of Spanish at school requires the adaptation of the glottodidactic approach to the learning style of the ASD according to the characteristics of its diagnostic condition. In conclusion, by privileging a learning style of the TEA, disciplinary and transversal learning is scaffolded that promotes inclusion and educational accessibility.
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