De la ciencia a las aulas y viceversa: documentar prácticas referentes para el aprendizaje de la escritura en educación primaria
From educational science to classrooms and vice versa: documenting reference practices for learning to write in primary education
teacher training, teaching practices, writing instructionAbstract
This article addresses the objectification of classroom practices anchored in consolidated scientific knowledge and their value as evidence to understand and guide action in classrooms. The study aims to document a complete task for writing instruction recorded in the 4th year of Primary Education, so that it can become a reference for initial and ongoing teacher training processes. Through the application of a systematic observation guide of effective practices, 18 effective practices were identified in this task. Furthermore, the identified practices were characterized, explaining what they consisted of and establishing their relationship with empirical studies. In this way, the results allow to establish the task as a reference practice for the initial and ongoing training of teachers. This process of evidencing practice within its context allows to reflect on the back-and-forth relationships between educational research and classroom practices, and on the meaning of the term "evidence" for teacher professional development.
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