
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been published before and it has not been simultaneously sent to another journal (in which case, there an explanation will appear in “Comments to the Editor.”)
  • You have to download the following style template. Use this format checklist as well.
  • The submitted file is in Word or open access format.
  • All the figures, images, and tables appear in their due place, not at the end of the text, though they are also sent in separate files.
  • The manuscript has been prepared for the blind peer review process, that is, the names of authors or places have been anonymized using "author" or "xxx" instead. In some cases, authors' names may be kept in the text so as not to reveal the authorship. Metadata has been eliminated.
  • References follow the valid APA format when submitting the manuscript.
  • Authors must ensure that the quality of their manuscript in terms of content, language, style and format is acceptable. The journal's editor-in-chief has the right to reject a manuscript if any of these requirements is not met.
  • Authors must have the rights or have been given permission to reproduce materials that are not their own.
  • The title is 20 words long or shorter.
  • The abstract has 200 words max.

Author Guidelines

1. Aims and scope

The articles should focus on subjects related to subject-specific didactics. Didacticae will consider research studies, articles on the history or epistemology of specific didactics, monographs, teaching experiences as well as book, thesis and theoretical reviews.

Didacticae will only consider original, unpublished manuscripts that have not been submitted for publication elsewhere. Didacticae suggests reviewing previous papers published by Didacticae that can be related with the proposal.


2. Manuscripts admitted

  • Peer-reviewed research articles: articles that have passed the blind evaluation carried out by a group of experts.
  • Projects, Books and Thesis Reviews
  • Epistemological and historic articles: theoretical articles on didactics disciplines with a critical perspective
  • Guest and Invited articles: articles approved by the editorial board of the journal for monographic issues
  • Innovation and experiences: report on real innovation and teaching experiences

3. Manuscript submission

  • The papers, which must be unpublished, should be sent by this system.  If you are not registered, you must do so before submitting your articles to review, using the format that appears in section REGISTER.  Once registered, you must open a working session (enter the website using your user name and password) and begin the process of sending the document, which consists of 5 steps. The article processing or submission does not have any charges. Please, provide as much biodata as possible.
  • The papers must be original and they cannot have been published previously.
  • Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic file format (.doc, .docx, .odt). Didacticae will not edit submitted manuscripts for style or language. Also, reviewers may advise non acceptance of a manuscript if there are an unacceptable number of grammatical errors.
  • Articles received can be in Spanish, Catalan or in English. In all cases it is necessary to include an abstract and key words in English. Articles in Catalan accepted must contain the abstract translated both into English and Spanish.
  • The Universitat de Barcelona's publishing style recommendations will be followed. 
  • Submitting and publishing a manuscript in this journal involves no fees. 

4.  Format

  • A template is provided for the appropriate format of the articles submitted.
  • Author information (name and surname, position or academic affiliation, e-mail address) must be included in the submission process but not in the document to guarantee blind review process. References to acknowledgements and fundings will also be added to the paper after acceptance. 
  • The works should be accompanied by a references list at the end of the article. All the references quoted in the text should appear in this list in alphabetical order, complying as closely as possible to the regulations of the current American Psychological Association. To quote online texts you must also follow the APA regulation.
  • Self-references will appear as AUTHOR (year) without the title of the work referenced to.

5. Reviewing

  • All the authors will receive notification of receipt of their work.
  • The editors will determine the interest and relevance of the manuscript and then it will be sent to the reviewers.
  • Authors will receive the referees' comments with the final decision (It may be acceptable in present form/ It might be acceptable with minor revisions/It might be acceptable after a deep revision/It can't be accepted). Authors may check at any time the evaluation process' status through the OJS platform.
  • Comments and the final decision of the review process will be sent to the authors in a period between 3 and 6 months after the date of receipt of the article.
  • If the paper is accepted, the authors must attend to the reviewer's requirements and send back the paper in a period of 1 month.
  • After a second review, the authors are requested to send an electronic file with the final version of the paper, attending the Editor's formal requirements.
6. Publication
The editors of the journal reserve the right to publish the contributions in the issue which they consider most appropriate. Those articles which are not published because it is felt they are not appropriate for the journal will be returned and the authors will be notified by e-mail.
Didacticae does not accept any responsibility for the points of view and statements made by the authors in their work.

7. Copyright Notice

All contents published by Didacticae are under a license Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Spain, of Creative Commons. All the conditions of use in: Creative Commons

It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain the necessary permits for images that are subject to copyright.

8. Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests (financial, personal, etc.) when submitting their manuscript for review and publication.


Opinion and reflective text on a current topic related to education or didactics. Word count: 800 w minimum. It is not peer-reviewed but needs the editor-in-chief's approval.

Monographic section

Each issue has a section delving into a specific discipline or topic of Didactics. The average number of articles per monograph is five. Articles in this section, epistemological or research-oriented, should be between 4000 and 8000 words long (bibliographical references not included). They will receive a double blind peer review minimum. See below the requirements for research, and history and epistemology papers.

History and epistemology

This section, which undergoes a blind peer review process, includes one article which presents epistemological or historical aspects important for the different disciplines in Didactics with a critical twist. Articles should be between 4000 and 9000 words long (bibliographical references not included).

The essays in this section will consist of:

- introduction

- three or four main points delving into a topic in depth and with a clear, well-defined theoretical framework

- conclusion with pedagogical implications

- references


Each issue will include 2 research articles between 4000 and 8000 words long (bibliographical references not included) and will receive a double blind peer-review. They will consist of the following sections:

- Introduction

- Literature review + objectives / research questions/ hypothesis

- Methodology: context, participants, instruments, analysis.

- Results

- Discussion

- Conclusions and limitations / further research

- References

Innovation and experiences

One or two articles on innovation and classroom experiences are welcome per issue. These will receive a  double blind peer review. Articles in this section should be between 3000 and 6000 words long (bibliographical references not included).

We suggest the following structure:

- Introduction

- Teaching context and participants

- Reasons for the innovation

- Detailed description of the innovation (materials, procedure...)

- Method and instruments

- Results

- Reflection on the results

- Future pedagogical directions

- References

Books, thesis and projects reviews

One or two recently published books and thesis as well as interesting teaching projects are revisited. Articles in this section must be between 1000 and 1500 words long. A 50-word long abstract is required for thesis and project reviews. These do not go through a blind peer review process but are equally reviewed by a member of the editorial board prior to acceptance. 

Privacy Statement

Body responsible

Office of the General Secretary of the University of Barcelona


If you register as an author or reviewer, the objective will be to organize the completion of the different functions associated with the journal to which you register. If you register as a reader, the objective will be to send you information about the journal to which you register.

Legitimate basis

Consent of the interested party

Target audience

The University and those responsible for the processing, if applicable. The transfer of data to third parties is not covered, except when there is a legal obligation.


Right of access, right to rectification, right to erasure of your data, right to request data portability and restriction of processing.

Additional information

For further information, please visit this link: