Reflexión sobre la práctica docente como estrategia formativa para desarrollar el conocimiento didáctico-matemático

Reflecting on the teaching practice as a training strategy to develop didactic-mathematical knowledge




mathematics education, teachers’ education, secondary school, didactical suitability, quadratic equations


We describe the analysis of a teaching experience carried out by a secondary school mathematics trainee during her student teaching. We apply the notion of didactical suitability to the epistemic, ecological, cognitive, affective, interactional and mediational facets of the teaching and learning process on quadratic equations during the third year of secondary school (14-15 year olds). The evaluation of the process didactical suitability, and the subsequent identification of founded proposals to redesign the experience, requires collecting and synthesizing the metacognitive-mathematical knowledge produced in research and innovation on teaching and learning quadratic equations. We conclude that the application of the didactic suitability criteria helps to systematize metacognitive knowledge and its application in order to reflect on, and progressively improve, teaching practice.


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