Aprendizaje del vocabulario: una experiencia formativa en cuarto curso de Educación Primaria

Vocabulary learning: A formative experience in fourth year of Primary Education


  • Ana Leonor Teberosky Coronado Universitat de Barcelona
  • Aneska Ortega Blanco Universitat de Barcelona




vocabulary learning, formative experience, morphology


This article analyzes the learning of academic vocabulary in school children and presents a design of formative intervention that shows a teaching proposal to help students in such learning. The reflection is based on the role of vocabulary in the teaching-learning-comprehension process of a specific content and on its relationship with the possible difficulties of reading due to the use of the academic language to express a disciplinary content. The formative intervention aims to guide the learning activities and procedures of students in selecting and organizing the academic vocabulary and comparing the morphological composition of words and their etymological history. The study included 28 students in their 4th year of primary school and the experiment of intervention was carried out in a public school in Barcelona on the subject of atmospheric phenomena.

Author Biographies

Ana Leonor Teberosky Coronado, Universitat de Barcelona

Catedrática de Universitat, professora honorífica, Dept de Psicologia Evolutiva i de l'Educació, facultat de Psicologia.

Aneska Ortega Blanco, Universitat de Barcelona

Doctora por la Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Pedagogia. Licencia en Computación por la Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela


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