¿Te animas a leer? Una experiencia de animación a la lectura en Educación Primaria
Do you fancy reading? A motivation-to-read experience in Primary Education
didactics of literature, literary tours, literary education, initial training, lifelong learningAbstract
The main aim of this didactic proposal is to show a method to educate reading comprehension among children, also known as motivation to reading. This is achieved using the Montserrat Sarto’s method (Sarto, 1984, 1998), which established three objectives: approach children to readings that they can understand, promote reading enjoyment, and encourage self-reflection about what they have read. In this line, we prepared a motivation to reading experience for the sixth course of Primary Education in a state-funded school from Segovia. The reading motivation was implemented from strategies extracted from the method previously mentioned (Sarto, 1984, 1998). As a result, we observed that the participants of this specific experience showed more interest in improving their reading comprehension and wanted to continue learning with the method mentioned. In conclusion, the main aim was achieved in addition to the three objectives proposed by the animation method used, which shows that the proposal has a positive in uence in grabbing the students’ attention, thus promoting a positive approach to reading.
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