Análisis de la textualidad verbo-icónica de la imagen en los libros de texto de Ciencias Sociales en la etapa de Educación Primaria
Verb-icon textuality analysis of images in Primary School Social Science textbooks
didactics of Social Sciences, textbook, visual hidden curriculum, null curriculum, visual literacy.Abstract
The objective of this paper is to analyze the function of images in textbooks of the Social Sciences area from a qualitative perspective, focused on the relevance that visual literacy has today in educational processes. On the one hand, we analyze in which way the function of images can influence the metacognitive development of Primary Education students, focusing on the construction of curricular contents in the area of Social Sciences, from the detection and argumentation of the hidden visual curriculum and the null curriculum. On the other hand, we analyze how these types of curricula can influence the teaching-learning process of Primary Education students, specifically, from the analysis of Catalan textbooks, in relation to the units related to Education for Citizenship.References
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