La fonética en el aula de Bachillerato. Una propuesta basada en los nuevos modelos de análisis

Phonetics on Secondary Education. A proposal based on new analysis models




phonetics, Spanish language and literature, Spanish as a first language teaching, secondary education


After the passing of the latest education law, phonetics has been set aside from the official syllabus of Spanish Language and Literature. Even though in former laws phonetics had barely one section on the teaching programme, that minimum presence allowed one to remember that linguistic studies must not be reduced to only syntactic and morphological exercises, developed frequently in a mechanical way. In this paper, we propose a teaching unit based on concepts related to phonetics with a fresh approach - on the one hand, based on cutting-edge studies about phonetics, and, on the other hand, distant from the deceptively easy and clear traditional approach. The unit developed here offers a clear way to address an introduction to basic phonetics with a thorough linguistic basis, which is an essential part of any study. As a conclusion, we present the results of the tests taken before and after the unit in four courses of baccalaureate. The students showed a positive evolution from the starter test to the end of the unit, when they were assessed with the final test.


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