La creación artística en la educación de las personas con diversidad funcional: Una investigación-acción
Artistic creation in the education of people with functional diversity: An action-research project
artistic creation, functional diversity, action-researchAbstract
The following text presents an action-research project on how spaces of artistic creation, spaces of freedom with security, in an educational context with children with functional diversity (FD), develop the components of a self-determined behaviour. The first part covers two fields of study which generally run in parallel: the artistic creation and the education of people with FD. Secondly, it relates these people to an experience of educational intervention, object of analysis and reflection of this paper. This action-research project demonstrates how artistic creation leads students with DF to acting autonomously, to self-regulating their behaviour, to initiating and responding to events in a psychologically proficient manner and, finally, to acting consciously.
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