Una experiencia de concienciación fundamentada en la creación de recursos educativos abiertos desde la Educación Visual y Plástica

An awareness-raising experience in Arts Education based on the creation of open educational resources


  • Júlia Castell Villanueva Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat d'Educació




open sources, Plastic and Visual Arts, digital image, Open Educational Resources, ICT


In this first decade of the 21st century, the impact of open policies and their effects on the education systems around the world has become a topic of interest thanks to the efforts and leadership of various organizations and projects promoting learning through open content. OER Commons, The Saylor Foundation, Wikieducator, Europeana, Learning Resource Exchange (LRE), Procomún or Khan Academy are just a few current significant examples of this trend. Open education should be closer than ever to achieving the strategic opportunity that it represents, and which would definitely improve the quality of education. But it seems that its implementation is not just generalized, as we can see in this context of higher education. This article is based on the experience carried out in the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona with the students of the subject Digital Image and Learning (6 ECTS) of the Arts Education speciality to reflect on this issue.


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