La formación artística de los docentes en el Laboratorio de las Artes de la fundación ”la Caixa” (1987-2006)
Arts teacher training at the Arts Laboratory of the "la Caixa" foundation (1987-2006)
teacher training, Arts Laboratory, visual education, arts education, formal and non-formal educationAbstract
The Arts Laboratory of ”la Caixa” Foundation (in Spanish, Laboratorio de las Artes, hereafter LdlA) offered a range of visual art educational projects aimed at the training of teachers and the arts education of the general public during nineteen years: from 1987 to 2006. LdlA was born at the Barcelona Palau Macaya Cultural Centre of the above-mentioned entity; and its work continued expanding throughout the Spanish territory during the 1990s and the beginning of the 21st century until 2002, when it moved to the new CaixaForum Cultural and Social Centre in Barcelona. The programme initially retained its original name, and later on, coinciding with a change in the management criteria of the entity, the project diluted among the various existing educational activities at the CaixaForum centres. This non-formal arts education programme contributed to formal art education by implementing innovative proposals in school centres through a number of resources addressed to teachers.
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