Proyecto: Nuevas formas de docencia en Historia Antigua: Estrategias lúdicas educativas. Teoría y práctica

Project: New ways of teaching in Ancient History: Educational play strategies. Theory and practice




Ancient History, didactics of social sciences, higher e, teaching innovation, materials d


We present the design, implementation, and evaluation of two teaching innovation projects applied in the 17-18 and 18/19 academic years. The objectives of these projects were to investigate the application of new teaching methodologies of a playful nature in the subject of Foundations of History, taught in the Primary Education degree, and to increase motivation, participation and study. In order to analyse the impact of playful methodologies, different lines of action have been carried out: • Introduction of the Kahoot platform and the Timeline game as gamified assessment and revision elements. • Introduction of role-play through the design, application and analysis of a live roleplaying activity evaluated by means of an online questionnaire. These methodologies improved the assimilation and motivation process thanks to Kahoot and produced a high degree of satisfaction with the role-play, although it is necessary to continue working on it and to evaluate the impact of Timeline.

Author Biographies

Víctor Sánchez Domínguez, Universidad de Córdoba

Profesor sustituto interino del Dpto. Didácticas Específicas de la Unversidad de Córdoba. Área de adscripción Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Doctor en Historia por la Universidad de Sevilla con experiencia docente en el área de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Líneas de investigación en innovación docente y metodologías lúdicas.

Alfonso Álvarez-Ossorio Rivas, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesor contratado doctor del Dpto. de Historia Antigua de la Universidad de Sevilla.


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