Procés de creació d’un protocol d’anàlisi de rutes literàries des de la perspectiva de la recerca de Didàctica de la Literatura
Research in Didactics of Literature: Developing a protocol for analysing literatury tours
didactics of literature, literary tours, literary education, initial training, lifelong learningAbstract
This article, based on several research and teaching innovation projects in which both signing authors are involved, presents the creation of observation protocols to validate innovative teaching practices in the eld of literary research. The process of elaborating a protocol for the analysis of literary tours is presented in a series of differentiated moments: the creation of literary tours aimed at different educational levels, the reflections on the evaluations of the students who took part in the literary tours and the results of the protocol validation pilot test. A review of the literature in the field shows that, despite the fact that multiple proposals and experiences have been presented for the use of this educational resource, the literary tours are yet to be approached from a literary education perspective. The interest of this article lies in the contribution of an analysis tool that provides a path from teaching innovation to research in the field of literary education.
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