Evaluación de aplicaciones de "mindfulness" con fines educativos: Desarrollo de un prototipo de "app" para adolescentes

Mindfulness in the educational context: Developing a mindfulness prototype app for teenagers





mindfulness, Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS), ICT tools, mobile apps


Mobile applications based on mindfulness are a means that can help achieve the many psychological and physical benefits of mindfulness practices. This study aims to propose a prototype mobile mindfulness application. A systematic review of Android and iPhone mobile mindfulness applications was conducted to analyze their characteristics, quality and suitability for educational contexts using rubrics such as the Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS). A search was performed both in the Android search engine "Play Store" and in the IOS search engine "Apple Store" to analyze the applications that exist today on the market. A total of 9 applications were obtained that exceed the minimum acceptability score (3.0), only three of which exceed four on average. It is concluded that there are few applications of mindfulness for secondary education, as most are for early childhood and primary education. This opens a field for improvement in this area. Based on the results obtained, the elaboration of a mindfulness app prototype is included.

Author Biography

Irene Lopez Secanell, Florida Universitaria

Profesora de Educación Física de la Florida Universitaria (Valencia) y de la Universidad de Valencia (2016-2017). En el 2016 obtuvo el doctorado en Educación, Sociedad y Calidad de Vida en la Universidad de Lleida (UdL) con una mención especial de cum laude. Realizó el Grado en Educación Primaria con mención de educación física (2009-2013), el Máster en Educación Inclusiva (2013-2014) y durante dos años participó como personal investigador en el proyecto de innovación ARMIF (2014-2016) de la UdL.


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