Multivariate positioning of graduate students, academics and entrepreneurs’ expectations by means of categorical principal component analysis


  • Manuela Alcañiz Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
  • Oscar Claveria
  • Salvador Torra Porras



Competencies, Expectations, Graduate students, Academics, Entrepreneurs, Surveys, University, Multivariate positioning, Categorical principal components (CATPCA)


This paper is intended to analyse the acquisition of competencies and working abilities during university education. We analyse how the didactic framework fits the abilities that the labour market demands to the university students to get into it. In order to do so we have simultaneously surveyed the recently graduated students, as well as the teachers and the employers. By means of categorical principal components we analyse the present situation of young workers in terms of their competencies. We find significant differences between the perception on the acquired competences level and the required level to enter the labour market among the different groups analysed. We design different composite indicators which allow us to detect a greater degree of discrepancy between entrepreneurs regardless of the type of competence.

Author Biographies

Manuela Alcañiz, Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

Professora Titular d'Universitat. Dept. d'Econometria, Estadística i Economia Espanyola. Coordinadora del Grup d'Innovació Docent Consolidat per la UB "Anàlisi de Dades en Economia i Empresa".




Oscar Claveria

Associate professor of Statistics and Econometrics, University of Barcelona. Research fellow at the Research Institute of Applied Economics (AQR-IREA). His research focuses on time series analysis and tendency surveys.

Salvador Torra Porras

Associate professor of Statistics and Econometrics, University of Barcelona. Research fellow at the Riskcenter research group. His research focuses on finance, artificial intelligence and neuronal econometric methodology.


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